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  • Writer's pictureAllie Olsen

Beginner Tips for Painting a Room in Your House

Painting a room can completely transform the look and feel of your home. Whether you're looking to add a fresh coat of paint or trying to express your creativity with new colors, painting a room is a rewarding and satisfying DIY project. If you're new to painting, it's important to start with a little knowledge and follow a few simple guidelines. In this blog post, you'll get beginner-friendly tips to help you achieve professional-looking results while painting a room in your house.

1. Plan and Prepare:

Before diving into the painting process, take some time to plan and prepare. Clear the room of furniture (unless you're like me and you want to paint around it) and cover the floor and any remaining items with drop cloths or plastic sheets to protect them from paint splatters (I often use old sheets or tablecloths for this). This is especially important if you plan to paint your ceiling! Remove outlet covers, light switch plates, and any other hardware that might get in the way.

2. Clean and Repair:

Inspect the walls for any imperfections such as cracks, holes, or peeling paint. Patch these areas with SPACKLE or putty, and SAND them smooth once dry. Ensure the walls are clean and free from dust, dirt, and grease. Use a mild detergent solution and a sponge or cloth to wipe down the surfaces. (My favorite cloths for this can be found HERE) If you don't clean your walls before you paint, your paint will likely peel or chip easier.

3. Choose the Right Paint:

Selecting the right paint is crucial for obtaining the desired results. Consider factors like the room's purpose, lighting, and your personal preferences. I usually buy my paint from Lowe's, Home Depot, or Sherwin Williams. They have various kinds of paint within all price points. Some guarantee full coverage on a first coat, others will require more painting. It's really up to you what you buy. I have used all kinds and have been happy with most. Whoever is at the paint counter will be happy to help you pick the exact paint you need for your project. Satin or eggshell finishes are popular for walls as they offer a good balance between durability and sheen. I usually use satin as it's easier to clean, and that's a must for me with having young kids at home.

4. Test Paint Samples:

It's always wise to test paint colors before committing to a full room. Purchase small paint samples of the colors you're considering and apply them to a small sections of the walls. I usually apply it to multiple walls because it looks different on different facing walls. Observe the colors under different lighting conditions and at different times of the day to ensure you're happy with your choice. Often times I will live with the samples on the walls for a few days and eventually one will appeal to me more.

5. Prep the Surfaces:

Properly preparing the surfaces will ensure the paint adheres well and results in a smooth finish. Begin by applying a coat of primer, especially if you're painting over a dark or previously unpainted surface. Use PAINTER'S TAPE to mask off edges, corners, and trim to achieve clean lines. I tend to paint my trim the same color as my walls, so I usually just mask the floor right under the baseboards.

6. Make sure you have the Right Tools:

While it may be tempting to cut costs on tools, investing in good-quality brushes, rollers, and painter's tape will make a significant difference in the final outcome. My favorite painters tape is FROG TAPE. It is the best for giving you really clean lines. My favorite brush is not very expensive, and a must for me. It is really comfortable to hold and easy to maneuver because of the short, rubbery handle. You can find it HERE. As for rollers, I'm not very picky with these and I think as you experiment with what you can find, you will find something you like. High-quality tools ensure smooth and even application, resulting in a professional-looking finish. Remember to clean your tools thoroughly after each use for extended durability. I use THIS to scrape my roller clean.

7. Start with the Ceiling and Work Downward:

When painting a room, it's generally recommended to start with the ceiling and work your way down to the walls and trim. This approach helps to prevent drips and splatters on freshly painted surfaces. Allow each coat to dry fully before proceeding to the next. Also, I like to wear safety glasses when painting the ceiling because I have gotten tiny drops of paint on my eyes. Not fun. THESE are a cute option.

8. Apply Multiple Coats:

To achieve a consistent and even finish, it's usually necessary to apply multiple coats of paint. Allow the paint to dry completely between coats, following the manufacturer's instructions. If you start painting over paint that's not completely dry it will ruin the texture. It's best to paint and move on. You can always come back and add more coats later. Applying thin coats with a light touch will help prevent drips and streaks. If you notice a drip, use a brush or roller to lightly smooth it.

9. Take Breaks and Step Back:

Painting a room can be a time-consuming task, so it's essential to take breaks to rest and evaluate your progress. Step back periodically to get a fresh perspective on the overall appearance. This way, you can catch any missed spots or imperfections before it's too late. If you need to or want to take a break, use tin foil or saran wrap to cover your painting tray and to wrap up your brush. This will keep everything from drying out, and makes it so you don't have to clean up multiple times.

10. Clean Up and Enjoy:

Once you've completed the painting process and allowed the final coat to dry, remove the painter's tape and reattach any hardware. Clean your brushes and rollers thoroughly with soap and water. I also like to use this BRUSH to scrape all the paint out of my paint brushes.

I love the power of paint and how much it can do for a space. It can make it feel clean, creative, relaxing, invigorating... really however you want it to feel. And it's a simple, inexpensive way to completely transform a space. Knowing the right tools to have, the steps to follow, and having the knowledge behind it all will help you transform your own space. To get a list with links to all my painting tools in one place, click HERE.

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